• Quarterly Noor-e- Marfat Serial Issue # 60
    Vol 14 No 2 (2023)

    The 60th issue of quarterly research journal Noor-e- Marfat, contains 6 scholarly research articles. The 1st article under the title “Upbringing System of Cultural Evolution of Islamic Society” discovers the core values that cause the uplift of a society. Under the title "Biography: From its Beginning to Aban bin Uthman", the 2nd article presents a very comprehensive research on a specific type of Muslim historiography, i.e. "Biography". The 3rd paper demonstrate the Islamic system and some basic rules of child upbringing under the title “Fostering Aspect of Aqiqah - an Exploratory Review”. The 4th paper has initiated interfaith religious dialogue, highlighting the historical and theological status of Buddhism under the title of "Religious Foundations of Dialogue in the Context of Buddhist Influences in Gilgit".The 5th paper titled "Elimination of Poverty in the Light of the Theory of Divine Economics" claims that the theory of divine economy can wipe out the poverty from human societies. In the last paper, under the title, “Islam’s Role in Reducing Domestic Violence against Women” it is made clear how Islam prevents domestic violence against women. Hopefully, the current issue of “Noor-e-Ma'rfat” will lead our readers towards new dimensions of knowledge and practice.

  • Quarterly Noor Marfat Serial Issue# 57
    Vol 13 No 3 (2022)

    سہ ماہی تحقیقی مجلہ نورِ معرفت کا  57 واں شمارہ 7 مقالات کے علاوہ اردو اور انگریزی اداریوں پر مشتمل ہے۔ ان مقالات کے عناویں بالترتیب   یہ ہیں: "تحریف عہدین پر قرآنی دلیل- تنقیدی، تحلیلی جائزہ"، "قرآن اور حدیث کی روشنی  میں نماز کے اجتماعی فوائد" ، "نوجوانوں اور مساجد کے درمیان مؤثر رابطے میں  رکاوٹیں اور ان کا حل ّ"، "واقعہ ٴکربلا کی اردو شعری ادبیات پر تاثیر: آزاد کشمیر کے تناظر میں" ، فمینزم کی تاریخ اور اسباب"،  "حضرت موسی ٰ اور خضر (ع)  کی داستان  کی روشنی میں مربی اساتذہ کی خصوصیات کا ماڈل" اور " کتاب شناسی کی روش: تاریخ طبری، ایک نمونہ" ۔

    یقینا  ان 7 علمی، تحقیقی مقالات پر حاوی مجلہ نور معرفت کا یہ 57واں شمارہ  ہمارے قارئین کی علمی پیاس کی تسکین کا موجب ہو گا۔ ان شاء اللہ

    The 57th issue of the quarterly research journal Noor-e-Marfat consists of 7 articles along with Urdu and English editorials. These articles are respectively entitled as:

    "Qur'anic Argument on Tahreef Al-Ahadeen – A Critical, Analytical Review", "The Social Benefits of Prayer in the Light of the Qur'an and Hadith", "Obstacles in Effective Relation between Youth and Masajid and their Solutions", "Impact of Karbala Incident on Urdu Poetry: In the Context of Azad Kashmir", “The Background and History of Feminism”, "A Model for Mentor Teachers Efficiencies (In the light of Hazrat Musa & Khazir’s Event)” and “The Methodology of Bibliography: Tareekh e-Tabari taken as a Sample”. Of course, this issue of “Noor-e- Marfat will satisfy the academic thirst of our readers! God willing!

for more issues please click on this link