اصلاح معاشرتی اِصلاح کا قرآنی منہج، تفسیرمفاتیح الغیب کا خصوصی مطالعہ

Quranic Approach to Moral Reform; A Study of Tafsir Mafatih Al-Ghaib

  • Sajjad Hussain Bahria University Islamabad
  • Abdul Hamid Bahria University Islamabad
Keywords: Moral Rectification, Imāmal-Rāzī, Mafateeh al-Ghaib


This paper discusses the concept of Imāmal-Rāzī regarding moral thought andethical reforms as mentioned in Tafsīr Kabīr. What is the real meaings of ethics and thought, reformation of human ideology, treatment of spiritual diseases, impact upon process of human thought and its betterment as well as what is necessary and what is not in this regard have been discussed by Imāmal-Rāzī. Analytically we may estimate the practical living style decorated with pious act, ethics and moral par-excellenceas adviced in TafsīrKabīr. Badconduct and way of thinking, view and action deteriorating humanity have been discouraged. This paper finds the practical solution and improvement in realtion to human thought and action as highlighted in the commentary of Qur’ānic verse.Such as the main purpose of the Qur’ānic teachings is to equip mankind with high moral values. Like Imāmal-Ghazālī, Jalāluddīnal-Rūmī, and Shāh Walīullahetc., Imāmal-Rāzī also incorporated moral values in his discourse finding solutions for the educational, spiritual and moral problems which are responsible for the success in the this World and the World Hereafter.

Author Biography

Abdul Hamid, Bahria University Islamabad

Lecturer at Bahria University Islamabad


Fakhr al-Din, Muhammad b. Umar, Al-Razi, Mafatīh al-Ghaib, Vol. 30 (Beruit: Dar Ihya Al-Turath Al-arabi, 1420 AH), 601.

Ar-Razi, Mafatīh al-Ghaib, Vol. 1, 86.

Ibid., Vol. 9, 419.


Fakhr al-Din, Muhammad b. Umar, Al-Razi, Al-Mabāhith Al-Mashraqiyah, Vol.1 (Dakan Haiderabad: Majlis Daera tu Maarif, nd.), 514.

Al-Razi, Mafatīh al-Ghaib, Vol. 14, 144-145.

Al-Razi, Al-Mabāhith Al-Mashraqiyah, Vol. 1, 514.

Al-Razi, Mafateeh–ul–Ghaib, Vol. 1, 227.


Ibid, Vol. 4, 123.

Ibid, Vol.19, 114.

Ibid, Vol.17, 268.

Noor al-Din, Ali b. Abi Bakr, Haitami, Majma’ Al-Zawai’d, Vol. 10 (Alqahira: Maktabah alqudsi, 12994), 234; Ar-Razi, Mafateeh–ul–Ghaib, Vol. 17, 268.

Ar-Razi, Mafatīh al-Ghaib, 268.

Ibid. Vol. 21, 376.

Ibid. 390.

Ibid, Vol. 1, 226.


Muslim b. al-Hajjaj Nishapuri, Sahih Muslim (Cairo: Dar Ehya Alkutub Al-Arabiah, 1955), Hadith #1047.

Ar-Razi, Mafatīh al-Ghaib, 226.

Ibid, Vol. 13, 135.

Ibid, Vol. 1, 226.

Ibid, 86.

Ibid, Vol. 10, 102.


Ibid, Vol. 11, 349.

Ibid, Vol. 16, 175.

Ibid, Vol. 30, 604.

Ibid, Vol. 20, 329.

Ibid, Vol. 5, 411.
