اسلامی معاشرے کے تہذیبی ارتقاء کا تربیتی نظام
The Educational System of the Cultural Evolution of the Islamic Society
According to Islam, education is not only an individual matter but also a social and collective matter. In fact, social evolution elevates individuals. The present paper tries to discover the educational system of creating an ideal society from the perspective of Islam. The hypothesis is that this training system revolves around those attributes whose center is the love of Allah Ta'ala. In the shadow of this divine love, the Islamic society completes the journey of its cultural evolution and then it becomes capable of the love of Allah.
Allah Almighty has expressed in the Holy Qur'an that His special love is for the bearers of some special attributes. Following the Holy prophet (A.S) is at the top of these . The core of following the Messenger is human nature which produces different attributes. At the highest level in terms of these attributes are the "benefactors" who are the elite class of society.
Benevolence is the highest value, and on its basis, a person instills the best qualities in himself in the first stage and then shares these qualities to the people around him. People with this trait develop the society due to their high level of consciousness, constant struggle and dedication. They establish modern order in the society. Next ti the value of “benevolence” is the value of “fairness” that is the backbone of any social and political system as Justice-minded people maintain justice and fairness in the society.
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