برصغیر میں اسلام کے ابتدائی آثار

The Initial Bases of Islam in Subcontinent

  • Mohsin Raza Hashmi USWA College Islamabad
Keywords: Islam, Subcontinent, Humanity



Islam is recognized as a moral and rational way of life. It is a ‘Natural Religion’ (Dīn al-Fitrah). Its universal teachings attract every sensible person. This is the concrete reason for its rapid extension in the whole world. However, in subcontinent it is widely propagated by orientalists and prejudiced Hindus that Islam is promulgated in the region with the power of sword. On contrary, a majority of Muslims imagine of Muhammad Bin Qasim as an advocator of Islam. For a realistic historic approach it is necessary to study the religion, values and traditions of Hindus if that time. In this article the Arabs-Hindus relations, the role of Prophet’s (PBUH) companions, scholars, saints; Islamic equality, humanity; practice against discrimination of casteism etc. have been declared the basic elements of advent and promotion of Islam in Subcontinent.



Lewis M. Hopfe, Mazāhib ‛Ᾱlam kā Encyclopedia, Translation: Yāsir Jawād & Sadīah Jawād) (Lahore: Nigārshāt Publishers, 2013), 162.

Ḳarīm Bakhsh, Malik, Islām aur Mazāhib-e-‛Ᾱlam, (Lahore: Sheikh Muhammad Bashīr & Sons, 2006), 38.

Ibn-e- Ḥanīf, Bhaharat, (Multān: Bacon Books, n.a), 20.

Rashīd Aḥmad, Tarīkh-e-Mazāhib, (Quetta: Qalāt Publishers, 2010), 22.

Anīs Ahmad Madanī, Falāḥī, Mazāhib-e-‛Aālam kā aiḳ Taqābulī Mutāl‛ah, (Lahore: Maḳtabah Qāsim al-‛Alum, n.a), 232-233۔

W.W. Hunter, Mukhtasar Tārīkh Ahl-e-Hind, (Lucknow: Munshī Naul Ḳishwar, 1892 AD), 117.

Aḳbar Shāh Khān, Najīb Ᾱbādi, Ᾱʼīnah Ḥaqīqat Numā, (Karachi, Nafees Academy, 1985), 83-4.

Ibid. 174-15۔


The Laws of Manu, Chapter VIII, 270.

‛ūbaidūllah bin ‛Abdūllah, Ibn Khardādhbah, Al-masāliḳ wal mamāliḳ (Lebanon: Dār Sādir, 2004), 57.

Mūḥammad bin Jūrair, Ṭabarī, Tārīkh al-Ṭabarī (Jordan: Bait al-Afḳār al-Daulīyah, 1901), 460.

Mūḥammad Isḥāq, Bhati, Bar-Ṣaghīr mein Islām ḳé Awwalīn Naqūsh, (Lahore: Thaqāfat Islāmīyah, 1990 AD), 18.

Ibid. 25.

Aḥmad bin Mūhammad, al-Marzūqī, Ḳitāb Al-Azmanah wal Amḳanah (Lebanon: Dar al- Kūtūb al- ‛Ilmīyah, 1996), 384.

Aḥmad Amīn, Fajar al-Islām (Lebanon: Dār al-Ḳitāb al-‛Arabī, 1969) , 3

Ibn-e- Khardādhbah, Al-Masāliḳ wal Mamāliḳ, 14.

۔۔۔۔, Al-Jūmal fī Tarīkh al-‛Arabī, (Cairo: Matb‛ah Amīrīyah, 1930), 27

Najīb Ᾱbādḥī, Ᾱʼīnah Ḥaqīqat Numā, 71-72.

Mūḥammad bin ‛Abdūllah, Al-Ḥākim, Al-Mūstadraḳ ‛Alā al-Saḥīḥain, Ḳitāb al-Aṭ‛amah, V.17 (Lebanon: Dār al-Ḳūtūb al-‛Ilmīyah, 1990), Hadith: 7297.

Aḥmad bin Shū‛aib, al-Nasāʼī, Sanan Nasāʼī, Ḳitāb al-Jihād, Chapter: Ghazwah al-Hind, V.6, (Halab: Maḳtab al- Maṭbūah al-Islāmiyah, 1986), Hadith: 3175 .

Mūḥammad bin Ismāīl Būkhārī, al-Jāmi‛ al-Ṣaḥīḥ, Ḳitāb al-Anbiyā, Chapter: Wadhkūr fi al-Ḳitāb Maryam, V.3 (Lebanon: Dār Ibn Ḳathīr al-Yamāmah, 1987), Hadith: 3255.

Mūḥammad bin ‛Isā, Tirmadhī, Sūnan Al-Tirmadhī, Kitāb Al-Amthāl, Chap: Mathālūllah L‛ibādih, V.5, (Lebanon: Dār Iḥyā al-Turāth al-‛Arabī, 1999), Hadith 2861.

Qāzī Aṭhar, Mūbāraḳ Pūrī, ‛Arab wa Hind ‛Ahd-e-Risālat Mein (Lahore: Takhlīqāt, 2004), 126.

Mūḥammad Bāqir, Majlasī, Bihār al-Anwār, V.1, (Lebanon: Mūassasah al-Wafā, 1992), 177.

For Detail: Mūḥammad ibn S‛ad, al-Ṭabaqāt al-Kūbrā, (Lebanon: Dār Ṣādir, 1968); Aḥmad bin Yaḥyā, al-Balādhrī, Fūtūh al-Baldān, (Lebanon: Dār wa Maḳtabah al-Hilāl, 1988); ‛Ismāīl bin ūmar, Ibn Ḳathīr, Al-Badāyah wa al-Nihāyah, (Oman: Bait Afḳār al-Dauliyah, 2004).

Al-Balādhrī, Fūtūh al-Baldān, V.3, 530.

Professor, Abdūllah Malik, , Tarīkh Pāk wa Hind (Lahore: Quraishī Brothers, 1972), 35.

Ibid. 64.

Ibid. 65.

Ibid. 60-61.

Shiblī, Nū‛mānī, ‛Allāmah, Islamī Hūkūmat aur Hindūstān mein Us ḳā Tamaddūnī Athar, (Lucknow: Al-Nazīr Press, 1972), 1-2.

۔۔۔, Hindūstān k Mūsalmānwn ḳé Tamaddūnī Kārnāmé (A‛zam Garh: Dār al- Mūsanifīn, 2013), 1.

Shiblī Nū‛mānī, Islamī Hūkūmat aur Hindūstān mein Us ḳā Tamaddūnī Athar, 7.

Abdūl Raḥmān, Kaylānī, Shariyat wa Ṭarīqat (Lahore: Maḳtabah al-salām, 2006), 381.

Professor, Khālīq Aḥmad Nizāmī, Tarīkh Mashāikh Chisht (Islamabad: Dāirah al-Musanifīn, 1982 AD), 145.

T.W. Arnold, The preaching of Islam (London: Archibald Constable & Co. 1896), 4.

Ibid, p.208.

Abul Hasan Alī, Nadavī, Al-Mūslimūn fil Hind (Damascus: Dār Ibn-e-Ḳathīr, 1999), 42.
